graphics gui programming video

Awesome pictures fusing with a GIMP plugin [w/ code]

desert_bear_arrowSwitching, merging or swapping, call it what you like – it’s a pain to pull off. You need to spend a lot of time tuning the colors, blending the edges and smudging to get a decent result. So I wrote a plugin for the wonderful GIMP program that helps this process. The merge is done using a blending algorithm that blends in the colous from the original image into the pasted image.
I’ll write a little bit about coding GIMP plugins, which is very simple, and some about the algorithm and its sources.
Let’s see how it’s done


New Theme, New Toolbar, New Year

Hi dear blog readers
We are trying out a new theme for the blog. We wanted to move out of the default and included themes of WordPress, and into something a bit different.
You will also notice a toolbar at the bottom of the page. It should help you better spread the MoreThenTechnical word! by giving more social networking tools.
So tell us what you think of it! Should we keep it, trash it, or maybe you have an idea of your own?
BTW, tomorrow is new years eve by the jewish calendar, and in Israel we are celebrating the new year (“Rosh Ha’shana”). So these changes to the blog could not have come at a better time – a time for new beginnings.
BTW 2 – I’m working on a post regarding next-generation image editing, so keep posted.
Roy & Arnon

Android Java Mobile phones programming Solutions

Number Saver (Android application)

A very basic feature that I was missing in my Android phone is the ability to save a number while I’m in a call. Sure you can go to the home screen, and open up any app with a textbox, but I decided to create a dedicated application.
So, meet Number Saver!
UPDATE: Number Saver got a new look
Basic usage guide:

When you open the app you will get the main screen:
From here you are able to enter the number, copy to the clipboard, and clear the clipboard if it is full. Also, when you open the app, if there is a text in the clipboard it will already be in the text box. So you can press Dial to instantly dial the number
Also, during an active call you will notice the note and pencil icon. Stretching the notification area will give you the option to launch the application.
This app is available for free through the Android market. Donation is always welcome …

graphics Mobile phones video

iPhoneOS 3.1 will not allow marker-based AR

I had very high hopes for iPhoneOS 3.1 in the AR arena. With all the hype about it, I naturally thought that with 3.1 developers will be able to bring marker-detection AR to the app-store – meaning, using legal and published APIs. A look around 3.1’s APIs I wasn’t able to find anything that will allow this.
Not all AR is banned. In fact AR apps like Layar will be very much possible, as they rely on compass & gyro to create the AR effect. These don’t require processing the live video feed from the camera, only overlaying data over it. This can be done easily with the new cameraOverlayView property of UIImagePickerController. All you need to do is create a transparent view with the required data, and it will be overlaid on the camera preview.
Sadly, to get marker-detection abilities developers must still hack the system (camera callback rerouting), or use very slow methods (UIGetScreenImage). I can only hope apple will see the potential of letting developers manipulate the live video feed.

Recommended Solutions tips Voip Website

Call Skype from a regular phone… for FREE

Today I came across a very nice free service called Ring-2-Skype. It lets you register a personal international number from about 40 countries, and whoever calls this number and dials your extension is directed to your Skype account.
The coolest thing is that you can register a number on several countries for the same Skype account. For instance on for USA, one for Peru etc.
And… it’s FREE!
The downside is that the number you get is not direct, but requires you to dial an extension number, so you can’t use it with Google Voice-like services.
UPDATE #1: I discovered a bug with the service – it is incompatible with Skype’s voicemail: meaning the call gets disconnected when the greeting is played. I contacted them and they said it’s a known issue and they are taking care of it. I’ll update the post again once I know this issue is resolved

graphics Mobile phones programming video vision

Near realtime face detection on the iPhone w/ OpenCV port [w/code,video]

iphone + opencv = winHi
OpenCV is by far my favorite CV/Image processing library. When I found an OpenCV port to the iPhone, and even someone tried to get it to do face detection, I just had to try it for myself.
In this post I’ll try to run through the steps I took in order to get OpenCV running on the iPhone, and then how to get OpenCV’s face detection play nice with iPhoneOS’s image buffers and video feed (not yet OS 3.0!). Then i’ll talk a little about optimization
Update: Apple officially supports camera video pixel buffers in iOS 4.x using AVFoundation, here’s sample code from Apple developer.
Update: I do not have the xcodeproj file for this project, please don’t ask for it. Please see here for compiling OpenCV for the iPhone SDK 4.3.
Let’s begin

Android Java Mobile phones programming Solutions work

First steps in Android programming

Last week I finished my first Android application. All through the development stage I had to Google a lot for examples which some were really hard to find (even though you can find reference for everything in the SDK, for me, it’s easier to understand from a code sample).
My mobile company allows you to send 10 free daily SMS through their website, and after that each text message is still half priced, so I decided to take a challenge and create a UI that allows me to send my messages from the phone through the website automatically.
The core of my software was pure java, so even though it wasn’t straight forward to accomplish, I kinda know the material.
The main issues were after – when I got to the android implementation and UI
Here are the issues I needed, and will supply examples for in this post:
(Of course – for you that are more experienced than me with Android development, please forgive if I’m not doing everything ‘by the book’, it’s simply what I could find. So if you have any suggestions or improvement please send them to me or post a comment J )

  • How to find out if there is an active network on the device
  • How to create options menu
  • How to create and clear notification in the notification area
  • How to declare your program as “SMS Sender” (‘Complete action using…’)
  • Taking care of orientation (Landscape and Portrait mode for UI)

Here is the code I ended up using. Hope you find it helpful

3d graphics gui Java opengl programming school video

Advanced topics in 3D game building [w/ code, video]

The graphics course I took at TAU really expanded my knowledge of 3D rendering, and specifically using OpenGL to do so. The final task of the course, aside from the exam, was to write a 3D game. We were given 3 choices for types of games: worms-like, xonix-like and lightcycle-like. We chose to write our version of Worms in 3D.
I’ll try to take you through some of the problems we encountered, the decisions we made, and show as much code as possible. I’m not, however, gonna take you through the simple (yet grueling) work of actually showing meshes to the screen or moving them around, these subjects are covered extensively online.
The whole game is implemented in Java using JOGL and SWT for 3D rendering. The code is of course available entirely online.

Android Mobile phones Networking tips Voip

VoIP for Android is in town

Well, At least when it comes to SIP communication
Well, there has been a great leap in Android support with VoIP. Skype has released a decent client for most Android based phones (with the exception of Galaxy S, and USA Based clients cannot use 3G), and I have discovered another excellent VoIP client for Android called cSipSimple (If you liked Sipdroid I advise you to check this one out as well. It’s my current default).
Other than that, the upcoming Android 2.3 is said to have native SIP support which is extremely cool
Having said all that, enjoy my original post 🙂

A Smartphone, as its name implies is… eventually… a smart phone! Exactly! That’s what I thought. And as one I should have the ability to run any software that is compatible with its hardware and software.
That turns out to be almost true. VoIP is off the limit.
And it is not because the device cannot handle it, Far from it. It is because mobile companies are afraid for their revenues. When people are using VoIP on their infrastructure, it takes away money from them. Oh you poor phone companies. My heart goes out for you.
And after all the tears run out, I went out to look for some VoIP that DOES work for me. SKYPE of course was off limit. Even though there is “Skype Lite Beta” for Android, it does not support Skype-to-Skype user call. And why should it? Skype is an excellent IM software and VoIP is only secondary (wink).
I then stumbled upon SipDroid. Sip droid is a SIP client for android. This is great if you have a SIP account provider. I for instance, have an account which runs on asterisk server (open source IPBX system).
I got the installation of SipDroid at once! And installed on my phone to try it.
What can I say? It has huge potential. But it is only fully compatible with its mother ship, which is Luckily (but of course – not a solution) they allow you to enter your own sip account there so you can connect to it through them (like connecting to your neighbor through china… but it works). Although has a strange certification error they claim is negligible.
So, using it directly with asterisk server causes poor outgoing audio which is lame. I’m sure some people might be able to tweak their server to handle it directly and properly but I didn’t manage to do that… nor found proper idea sharing on that subject.
But this client is still in beta stage so I honestly believe it will kick ass when it’s complete.
It’s no Skype, and I hope some Skype-like client like Fring will port soon for Android, but until then, it’s better than nothing.
Two important notes if you want to use it:

  1. If you are planning to download it from the Android Market – You will get a limited version which disables usage of VoIP over 3G/EDGE. So if you want the full one then download it directly from the project page.
  2. VoIP data, is currently 1.20mb per minute, so watch your data plan
Java programming

No CLASSPATH for you!

The Path of the ClassAs a part of my work, I was asked to create a semi-simulator for JNLP (Web-Start) loader.
The intention was to get the JNLP link, get all the necessary JARS and resources, and send the main class to another process that will run it as a host.
I had no previous in
troduction with JNLP what so ever… Well, first stage: look at the file.
Looking at the file revealed a simple XML file that contained all the necessary data.
So of course, first things first – Get all the JARS. But how?