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Bust out your own graphcut based image segmentation with OpenCV [w/ code]

This is a tutorial on using Graph-Cuts and Gaussian-Mixture-Models for image segmentation with OpenCV in C++ environment.
Update 10/30/2017: See a new implementation of this method using OpenCV-Python, PyMaxflow, SLIC superpixels, Delaunay and other tricks.
Been wokring on my masters thesis for a while now, and the path of my work came across image segmentation. Naturally I became interested in Max-Flow Graph Cuts algorithms, being the “hottest fish in the fish-market” right now if the fish market was the image segmentation scene.
So I went looking for a CPP implementation of graphcut, only to find out that OpenCV already implemented it in v2.0 as part of their GrabCut impl. But I wanted to explore a bit, so I found this implementation by Olga Vexler, which is build upon Kolmogorov’s framework for max-flow algorithms. I was also inspired by Shai Bagon’s usage example of this implementation for Matlab.
Let’s jump in…


Congratulations! Roy is going to MIT

I would like to congratulate my friend Roy, who got accepted to M.I.T in the Program in Media Arts and Sciences.
Starting this September, Roy will be spending the next two years in Boston.
I wish him all the best and luck.
I’m sure this degree will provide some interesting posts to this blog

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Quick and Easy Head Pose Estimation with OpenCV [w/ code]

Update: check out my new post about this
Just wanted to share a small thing I did with OpenCV – Head Pose Estimation (sometimes known as Gaze Direction Estimation). Many people try to achieve this and there are a ton of papers covering it, including a recent overview of almost all known methods.
I implemented a very quick & dirty solution based on OpenCV’s internal methods that produced surprising results (I expected it to fail), so I decided to share. It is based on 3D-2D point correspondence and then fitting of the points to the 3D model. OpenCV provides a magical method – solvePnP – that does this, given some calibration parameters that I completely disregarded.
Here’s how it’s done

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Implementing PTAM: stereo, tracking and pose estimation for AR with OpenCV [w/ code]

Been working hard at a project for school the past month, implementing one of the more interesting works I’ve seen in the AR arena: Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) [PDF]. This is a work by George Klein [homepage] and David Murray from Oxford university, presented in ISMAR 2007.
When I first saw it on youtube [link] I immediately saw the immense potential – mobile markerless augmented reality. I thought I should get to know this work a bit more closely, so I chose to implement it as a part of advanced computer vision course, given by Dr. Lior Wolf [link] at TAU.
The work is very extensive, and clearly is a result of deep research in the field, so I set to achieve a few selected features: Stereo initialization, Tracking, and small map upkeeping. I chose not to implement relocalization and full map handling.
This post is kind of a tutorial for 3D reconstruction with OpenCV 2.0. I will show practical use of the functions in cvtriangulation.cpp, which are not documented and in fact incomplete. Furthermore I’ll show how to easily combine OpenCV and OpenGL for 3D augmentations, a thing which is only briefly described in the docs or online.
Here are the step I took and things I learned in the process of implementing the work.
Update: A nice patch by yazor fixes the video mismatching – thanks! and also a nice application by Zentium called “iKat” is doing some kick-ass mobile markerless augmented reality.

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iPhone OS 3.x Raw data of camera frames

Hi All
It looks like it’s finally here – a way to grab the raw data of the camera frames on the iPhone OS 3.x.
Update: Apple officially supports this in iOS 4.x using AVFoundation, here’s sample code from Apple developer.
A gifted hacker named John DeWeese was nice enough to comment on a post from May 09′ with his method of hacking the APIs to get the frames. Though cumbersome, it looks like it should work, but I haven’t tried it yet. I promise to try it soon and share my results.
Way to go John!
Some code would be awesome…

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SmartHome – Embedded computing course project

In the past few weeks I have been working hard at a few projects for end-of-term at Uni. One of the projects is what I called “SmartHome”, for Embedded computing [link] course, is a home monitoring [link] application. In the course the students were given an LPC2148 arm7-MCU (NXP) based education board, implemented by Embedded Artists [link]. My partner Gil and I decided to work with ZigBee extension modules [link] to enable remote communication.
Here are the steps we took to bring this project to life.

Solutions Stream work

Stream your favorite radio station to your workplace

I want to suggest a trick that worked for me. My work place blocks most of the popular radio stations stream sites in my country.
I can understand why they’re doing that, but hey – if you want to save bandwidth I suggest you block YouTube (not that I complain…)
Well, I thought of a way to listen to my favorite radio station from work, by re-streaming it from my home. And it worked!

It can also work for you, in case your IT does not block by protocol, only by address.

So here’s how to do it:

code graphics opencv vision

Recoloring via Histogram Matching with OpenCV [w/ code]

I wanted to do the simplest recoloring/color-transfer I could find – and the internet is just a bust. Nothing free, good and usable available online… So I implemented the simplest color transfer algorithm in the wolrd – Histogram Matching.
Here’s the implementation with OpenCV

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Links of the week,7124,s6-240-319–13001-0,00.html
Shoes tying hacks
Very nice! A digital guitar…
An interesting concept – see-through walls w/ augmentd reality
The “Youth market”‘s little brother – the “Toddler market” – is booming
Some goodies from iPhone OS 4 – where is video-pixel-bytes access already?!
I like! A helper webapp to memorize text—
This is awesome.
YouTube without flash: I tried it on Chrome, the video was choppy, volume control didn’t work proerly and the progressing download & play made the position marker bounce around. But in the end, anything that replaces Flash, and Adobe’s reign over internet interactive animation,  is good..
C ya’ll next week!

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Never fear – the links are here [Links of the week]

Stuff I picked up on the web the last week:
Compare the leading smartphones on the market
Mobile web usage stats: iPhone 65%, Android 12%, RIM 9%
A transparent screen – Cool? yes. Practical? Not so much.
Augmented reality is officially more popular than virtual reality.
You don’t need a mouse anymore (if you have a 154 frames-per-second camera, and very steady hands)
Samsung’s projector mobile phone in action in CES
Apple is putting proximity sensors on new device to allow for 3D desktop manipulation.
AT&T goes app-store on dumbphones, releases SDK for BREW
C y’all next week!