I created a little video tutorial to model and render a folded piece of paper for a project I’m working on…
Here it is, enjoy!
Tag: render
Using Poppler, of course!
Poppler is a very useful tool for handling PDF, so I’ve discovered lately. Having tried both muPDF and ImageMagick’s Magick++ and failed, Poppler stepped up to the challenge and paid off.
So here’s a small example of how work the API (with OpenCV, naturally):
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <poppler-document.h> #include <poppler-page.h> #include <poppler-page-renderer.h> #include <poppler-image.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; using namespace poppler; Mat readPDFtoCV(const string& filename,int DPI) { document* mypdf = document::load_from_file(filename); if(mypdf == NULL) { cerr << "couldn't read pdf\n"; return Mat(); } cout << "pdf has " << mypdf->pages() << " pages\n"; page* mypage = mypdf->create_page(0); page_renderer renderer; renderer.set_render_hint(page_renderer::text_antialiasing); image myimage = renderer.render_page(mypage,DPI,DPI); cout << "created image of " << myimage.width() << "x"<< myimage.height() << "\n"; Mat cvimg; if(myimage.format() == image::format_rgb24) { Mat(myimage.height(),myimage.width(),CV_8UC3,myimage.data()).copyTo(cvimg); } else if(myimage.format() == image::format_argb32) { Mat(myimage.height(),myimage.width(),CV_8UC4,myimage.data()).copyTo(cvimg); } else { cerr << "PDF format no good\n"; return Mat(); } return cvimg; }
All you have to do is give it the DPI (say you want to render in 100 DPI) and a filename.
Keep in mind it only renders the first page, but getting the other pages is just as easy.
That’s it, enjoy!