3d code graphics opencv opengl programming vision

Head Pose Estimation with OpenCV & OpenGL Revisited [w/ code]

So I was contacted earlier by someone asking about the Head Pose Estimation work I put up a while back. And I remembered that I needed to go back to that work and fix some things, so it was a great opportunity.
I ended up making it a bit nicer, and it’s also a good chance for us to review some OpenCV-OpenGL interoperation stuff. Things like getting a projection matrix in OpenCV and translating it to an OpenGL ModelView matrix, are very handy.
Let’s get down to the code.

3d code graphics opencv opengl programming Recommended vision Website

Quick and Easy Head Pose Estimation with OpenCV [w/ code]

Update: check out my new post about this
Just wanted to share a small thing I did with OpenCV – Head Pose Estimation (sometimes known as Gaze Direction Estimation). Many people try to achieve this and there are a ton of papers covering it, including a recent overview of almost all known methods.
I implemented a very quick & dirty solution based on OpenCV’s internal methods that produced surprising results (I expected it to fail), so I decided to share. It is based on 3D-2D point correspondence and then fitting of the points to the 3D model. OpenCV provides a magical method – solvePnP – that does this, given some calibration parameters that I completely disregarded.
Here’s how it’s done