cloud code javascript programming Web

AWS Lambda NodeJS Telegram Bot with Typescript, Serverless and DynamoDB

Sharing a bit of experience building a telegram bot with Serverless, AWS Lambda and TypeScript.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to build a simple Telegram bot using serverless with TypeScript and AWS Lambda. We’ll leverage the power of AWS services such as API Gateway and DynamoDB to create a highly scalable and efficient bot. While there are various tutorials available online, this guide aims to provide a more comprehensive and detailed approach. So, let’s dive in!

code programming python Solutions Web

A script to scrape PDFs from a page using Python+Mechanize

A friend asked me for a way to download all the PDFs from a page, and I made this simple script with Python and Mechanize. It’s very straightforward…
It does hack the user agent, which is not nice. So use at your discretion.

apache code Java programming Web

Simple Loading Spinner Tapestry 5 Mixin w/ spin.js

Sharing a small snippet on creating a loading spinner in a Tapestry 5.3+ Mixin, using spin.js.
It creates a convenient way to add spinners to your long-loading-times ajax zone updates, with all the code hidden away from the template .tml and page class object.
Sorry I can’t show a working example, that would entail running a Tapestry application server.
But it’s very straightforward, just grab the spin.min.js and the rest falls into place (it also depends on jQuery).

code Web

Adding radial labels to Dimple.JS pie chart

Too bad Dimple.JS doesn’t have this feature built-in. They only have a boring old legend, where pie charts scream for labels that circle the actual pie (or donut).
Anyway, here’s how to get it done using some d3.js love.

code Solutions Web

Bootstrap3 fluid container with custom width sidebar

I was looking for a way to get a fluid container live side-by-side with a custom width sidebar.
A custom width sidebar can’t be achieved with a Bootstrap column, and is a total mess to get right with floats if you then need a fluid container to get a grid system for the main section.
So, here’s one solution:
