If you’re a fan of OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), you may already be familiar with its vast library of plugins that enhance its functionality and provide added features. One such plugin that I recently developed is the URL API source plugin. This plugin allows you to fetch information from a URL and display it in your OBS stream. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the source code for this plugin and understand how it works.
Category: Stream

CleanStream OBS Plugin is a powerful tool that helps clean live audio streams from unwanted words, filler words, and profanities. Created in C++, this plugin can improve the quality of live streams while saving time and effort in post-processing. In this blog post, we will take a detailed walk-through of the code for my CleanStream OBS plugin, explaining how it is built and its core functionalities.
So, I’ve been trying to stream audio off of a USB microphone connected to an Arduino Yun.
Looking into it online I found some examples using ffserver & ffmpeg, which sounded like they could do the trick.
However right from the start I’ve had many problems with playing the streams on Android and iOS devices.
Seems Android likes a certain list of codecs (http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html) and iOS like a different set of codecs (Link here), but they do have on codec in common – good ol’ MP3.
Unfortunately, the OpenWRT on the Arduino Yun has an ffmpeg build which does not provide MP3 encoding… it does have the MP3 muxer/container format, but streaming anything other then MP3 in it (for example MP2, which the Yun-ffmpeg does have) simply doesn’t work on the Android/iOS.
From experiments streaming from my PC a ffmpeg/libmp3lame MP3 stream, it looks like the mobile devices are quite happy with it – so I will need to recompile ffmpeg with Lame MP3 support to be able to stream it.
Android + Yourmuze.fm + Dolphin Browser HD + XiiaLive = WIN
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything in the blog… Sorry for that… very busy times. I had a lot of ideas of what my “comeback post” should be about, but I knew I had to share one of my relatively recent discoveries that made my smartphone online-radio listening experience a whole lot better
If you don’t know yourmuze.fm, this might be the time to get to know it. It’s a free service that has a LOT of worldwide radio stations available as an online stream for usage with most of the smartphones.
In order to start using it you need to register for free via your desktop computer, and add the stations you like. Later on, you can surf to the mobile version of the service by mobile web and listen to the stations you selected.
So far so good… I like it. But how about multitasking?
I want to suggest a trick that worked for me. My work place blocks most of the popular radio stations stream sites in my country.
I can understand why they’re doing that, but hey – if you want to save bandwidth I suggest you block YouTube (not that I complain…)
Well, I thought of a way to listen to my favorite radio station from work, by re-streaming it from my home. And it worked!
It can also work for you, in case your IT does not block by protocol, only by address.
So here’s how to do it: