machine learning programming school work

No More Software Left to Write

TLDR: Traditional software engineering is becoming commoditized. Infrastructure, deployment, and development have become incredibly easy thanks to modern tools and platforms. While this means utility software (business applications) will likely be automated away, there’s still room for creativity and personal impact. Even though most software has already been written or will be handled by AI, developers should focus on writing software that matters to them or makes a difference to others, rather than waiting for even better tools.

The world of software engineering and development is changing at a breakneck pace. For someone who’s been in SWE for nearly 40 years (since I was 6 years old) and professionally for nearly 25 years (since I started getting paid for SWE work), I am concerned, but still hopeful.

What do I mean by “no more software left to write”? It means a few things:

  • Software infrastructure has become so widely developed that writing new applications today — by hand, we’ll get to AI later — is 100x easier, faster, secure and optimized than just 5 years ago, and this rate of development is constant, meaning that in 5 years it would be 100x faster / easier / better than today.
  • The amount of software written has risen dramatically. Just the sheer volume of applications and projects has increased, and within those – open-source projects that are easily copiable or integrable. It’s nearly impossible today to find an alcove of human pursuit that has been untouched by software or digitization.
  • Software (and software engineering) has become as much like LEGO as it has ever been, where engineers (builders) can piece together an application in minutes! With advanced features and production-ready backends with just lines of code.
  • Software deployment has become automated to immense degrees, where an app (web, mobile, desktop) can be packaged and served online (or dished out as download executable) with a single line of terminal. All backend services, all testing and integrations fully managed by someone else.
  • AI coding has made it so full applications can be “written” ad-hoc to the user’s needs almost instantaneously, making the need for bespoke engineering obsolete – apps can be generated on the fly for a single use! The age of disposable food containers has arrived in software engineering.
  • Hardware platforms are more generous than ever before! With memory, compute and disk capabilities that really make runtime optimization a thing of the past. You can brute force your way to software success and deal with consequences later, if at all it will become an issue.

All this means is that it has never been a better time to be a software engineer. And it has never been a worse time to start as a software engineer. If you’re starting out today, take note of the rate of change in the field – it is exponential. Tools and paradigms used today will be obsolete or woefully outdated in just 2-3 years. Except for the deepest of technologies, engineering applications has been commoditized to a pulp.

code programming python school tips

GDoc/LaTeX compilation GUI with Tkinter/Python [w/ code]

¡Hola mis amigos!
I’m learning spanish, but I’m also annoyed with collaborating on LaTeX papers. That’s why I’ve created the GDoc-LaTeXifier so the syntax will be clear when I collaborate on a paper with a remote friend.
But now we both want to compile a PDF on our machines. So I’ve created the tiny shell script that downloads the paper and runs PDFLaTeX.
The problem is that this opens a new terminal window and runs the script. I’ve been able to sort it out so that it closes the terminal window when it’s done, by on my friend’s mac it doesn’t, so he ends up with a ton of open windows.
Enter – the GDoc/LaTeX compiler GUI.

code graphics opencv programming school vision work

2D curve matching in OpenCV [w/ code]

Just sharing some code and ideas for matching 2D curves. I was working for a while on matching 2D curves to discover shapes in images, but it didn’t work out, what did succeed is this 2D curve matcher that seems to be very robust for certain applications. It’s based on ideas from the Heat Kernel Signature and the CSS Image (that I introduced in my latest post), all around inspecting curves under different level of smoothing.

code graphics opencv programming school

Resampling, Smoothing and Interest points of curves (via CSS) in OpenCV [w/ code]

I’m so glad to be back to work on a graphics project (of which you will probably hear later), because it takes me back to reading papers and implementing work by talented people. I want share a little bit of utilities I’ve developed for working with 2D curves in OpenCV.

linux Raspberry Pi Recommended school Solutions tips

The Raspberry Pi is Here

A few months back I placed an order for a raspberry pi. For those who don’t know what it is, it is a really cool project which is basically a computer for 35$ (Shipping for me almost doubled it, but that’s to be expected). It is a board, which as 256MB Ram, SD-Card slot, 2 USB Slots, an RCA Slot for analog video, and a headphone jack for analog audio.
It is originally a project for schools, to help today’s kids get started with (python, but not only) programming.
To be exact with what the project guys are describing it:
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer board that plugs into a TV and a keyboard. It’s a miniature ARM-based PC which can be used for many of the things that a desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays High-Definition video.
Here are some FAQs

The OS of this board is stored on an SD Card. I have bought a class 10 16gb SD Card off of eBay for this purpose.
So few days ago, the board arrived! I finally found myself playing with it, and it’s so much fun
Here are some common suggestions for usages:

3d code graphics opencv programming school vision

Simple triangulation with OpenCV from Harley & Zisserman [w/ code]

I sense that a lot of people are looking for a simple triangulation method with OpenCV, when they have two images and matching features.
While OpenCV contains the function cvTriangulatePoints in the triangulation.cpp file, it is not documented, and uses the arcane C API.
Luckily, Hartley and Zisserman describe in their excellent book “Multiple View Geometry” (in many cases considered to be “The Bible” of 3D reconstruction), a simple method for linear triangulation. This method is actually discussed earlier in Hartley’s article “Triangulation“.
I implemented it using the new OpenCV 2.3+ C++ API, which makes it super easy, and here it is before you.
Edit (4/25/2015): In a new post I am using OpenCV’s cv::triangulatePoints() function. The code is available online in a gist.
Edit (6/5/2014): See some of my more recent work on structure from motion in this post on SfM and that post on the recent Qt GUI and SfM library.
Update 2017: See the new Mastering OpenCV3 book with a deeper discussion, and a more recent post on the implications of using OpenCV3 for SfM.

3d code graphics gui opencv opengl programming school video vision

Spherical harmonics face relighting using OpenCV, OpenGL [w/ code]

I’ve been working on implementing a face image relighting algorithm using spherical harmonics, one of the most elegant methods I’ve seen lately.
I start up by aligning a face model with OpenGL to automatically get the canonical face normals, which brushed up my knowledge of GLSL. Then I continue to estimating real faces “spharmonics”, and relighting.
Let’s start!

code graphics opencv opengl programming school video vision

Identity Transfer in Photographs

I would like to present something I have been working on recently, a work that immensely affect what I wrote in the blog in the past two years…
To use it:
Go on this page,
Watch the short instruction video,
download the application (MacOSX-Intel-x64 Win32)
and make yourself a model!
It takes just a couple of minutes and it’s very simple…
This work is an academic research project, Please please, take the time to fill out the survey! It is very short..
The results of the survey (the survey alone, no photos of your work) will possibly be published in an academic paper.
Note: No information is sent anywhere in any way outside of your machine (you may even unplug the network). All results are saved locally on your computer, and no inputs are recorded or transmitted. The application contains no malware. The source is available here.
Note II: All stock photos of models used in the application are released under Creative Commons By-NC-SA 2.0 license. Creator: If you wish to distribute your results, they should also be released under a CC-By-NC-SA 2.0 license.
Thank you!

code graphics gui opencv programming Recommended school vision Website

Image Recoloring using Gaussian Mixture Model and Expectation Maximization [OpenCV, w/Code]

I’ll present a quick and simple implementation of image recoloring, in fact more like color transfer between images, using OpenCV in C++ environment. The basis of the algorithm is learning the source color distribution with a GMM using EM, and then applying changes to the target color distribution. It’s fairly easy to implement with OpenCV, as all the “tools” are built in.
I was inspired by Lior Shapira’s work that was presented in Eurographics 09 about image appearance manipulation, and a work about recoloring for the colorblind by Huang et al presented at ICASSP 09. Both works deal with color manipulation using Gaussian Mixture Models.
Update 5/28/2015: Adrien contributed code that works with OpenCV v3! Thanks!
Let’s see how it’s done!

code graphics opencv opengl programming Recommended school video vision Website

Implementing PTAM: stereo, tracking and pose estimation for AR with OpenCV [w/ code]

Been working hard at a project for school the past month, implementing one of the more interesting works I’ve seen in the AR arena: Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) [PDF]. This is a work by George Klein [homepage] and David Murray from Oxford university, presented in ISMAR 2007.
When I first saw it on youtube [link] I immediately saw the immense potential – mobile markerless augmented reality. I thought I should get to know this work a bit more closely, so I chose to implement it as a part of advanced computer vision course, given by Dr. Lior Wolf [link] at TAU.
The work is very extensive, and clearly is a result of deep research in the field, so I set to achieve a few selected features: Stereo initialization, Tracking, and small map upkeeping. I chose not to implement relocalization and full map handling.
This post is kind of a tutorial for 3D reconstruction with OpenCV 2.0. I will show practical use of the functions in cvtriangulation.cpp, which are not documented and in fact incomplete. Furthermore I’ll show how to easily combine OpenCV and OpenGL for 3D augmentations, a thing which is only briefly described in the docs or online.
Here are the step I took and things I learned in the process of implementing the work.
Update: A nice patch by yazor fixes the video mismatching – thanks! and also a nice application by Zentium called “iKat” is doing some kick-ass mobile markerless augmented reality.