Recommended Software

Dropbox – access important files from anywhere

Lots of people own several computers. Not to mention different operating systems.
Don’t you wish you had a folder with some files that will be accessible from every single one of your PCs ?
A friend of mine recommended Dropbox (
This is a software, compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac, which creates a folder on your PC(/mac), that is linked to your account, and with every computer that runs the program (with the specific account) – This folder will be in complete sync.
If you need it from a shared pc – you also have a web interface to download your files.
Also,  a public folder is created which you can just send a direct link for your file to a friend
You get 2GB of online storage for this matter – completely for free from Dropbox, and you can also revert to earlier versions of your files.
Dropbox claims to be encrypted – but I can’t guarantee it, so I wouldn’t recommend using it for sensitive data (passwords, etc.)
I started using it. Definately recommend it!

Recommended Software

Recommended Software: Digsby


 I’m the kind of guy who likes to be online. When I decide to be available for chat – the more the merrier.
Messenger, GTalk, GMail, Skype- you name it. digsby

I found about Digsby when I looked for a Facebook Chat client. Surfing the net brought me to Digsby’s website
and I must say I was impressed.

Digsby allows you to be online with all common IM clients all together as one contact list.

More than that – It also functions as email notifier and social network client (All of your facebook events for

If you are “chat groupie” – I would really recommend you try this software