A very simple thing, although I couldn’t find on Google some place to copy-paste off, so here it is:
Vertex shader
varying vec3 normal; void main() { gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal; }
Fragment shader
varying vec3 normal; void main() { vec3 normal_normal = normalize(normal); gl_FragColor = vec4(normal_normal, 1.0); }
A technique to load the shaders that will save you a lot of headaches
GLvoid* my_program; //Error-checking function void checkARBError(GLvoid* obj) { char infolog[1024] = {0}; int _written = 0; glGetInfoLogARB(obj, 1024, &_written, infolog); if(_written>0) { cerr << infolog << endl; } } bool notIsAscii(int i) { return !isascii(i); } void init_shaders() { const GLubyte* lang_ver = glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); cout <<"shading language version: "<<(uchar*)lang_ver<<endl; const char * my_fragment_shader_source; const char * my_vertex_shader_source; //Reading shaders from files ifstream ifs("vshader.txt"); ostringstream ss; ss << ifs.rdbuf(); ifstream ifs1("fshader.txt"); ostringstream ss1; ss1 << ifs1.rdbuf(); ifs.close(); ifs1.close(); //Cleaning up the strings... string _vertex = ss.str(); _vertex.erase(remove_if(_vertex.begin(), _vertex.end(), notIsAscii), _vertex.end()); string _frag = ss1.str(); _frag.erase(remove_if(_frag.begin(), _frag.end(), notIsAscii), _frag.end()); // Get Vertex And Fragment Shader Sources my_fragment_shader_source = _frag.c_str(); my_vertex_shader_source = _vertex.c_str(); //DEBUG - can remove cout << "vertex shader:"<<endl<<my_vertex_shader_source<<endl; cout << "fragment shader:"<<endl<<my_fragment_shader_source<<endl; GLvoid* my_vertex_shader; GLvoid* my_fragment_shader; // Create Shader And Program Objects my_program = glCreateProgramObjectARB(); my_vertex_shader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB); my_fragment_shader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB); // Load Shader Sources glShaderSourceARB(my_vertex_shader, 1, &my_vertex_shader_source, NULL); checkARBError(my_vertex_shader); glShaderSourceARB(my_fragment_shader, 1, &my_fragment_shader_source, NULL); checkARBError(my_fragment_shader); // Compile The Shaders glCompileShaderARB(my_vertex_shader); checkARBError(my_vertex_shader); glCompileShaderARB(my_fragment_shader); checkARBError(my_fragment_shader); // Attach The Shader Objects To The Program Object glAttachObjectARB(my_program, my_vertex_shader); glAttachObjectARB(my_program, my_fragment_shader); checkARBError(my_program); // Link The Program Object glLinkProgramARB(my_program); checkARBError(my_program); }
I based it on this example from NeHe.
It does periodical error checking so you can see if something is wrong, plus it will make sure the vertex shader and fragmetn shader are stripped of all non-ASCII characters.
This way the compilation will not give you cryptic errors such as “ERROR: 0:1: ‘<' : syntax error syntax error"...
2 replies on “A GLSL shader showing the normal map [w/ code]”
So you’re using JNI to run the GL on the Samsung Galaxy S2? What version OS do you have – been having real problems with Gingerbread 2.3.3 – it just won’t do normal mapping. Do you have a pre-built APK I could test out at all and see if it causes the same problems?
This is not an Android application…